Why, Hello There!
Hi! I'm Megan. Welcome to this space where I share all of the things that I am passionate about as a new homesteader!

About me
I live in beautiful Southwestern Ontario, Canada with my husband and son.
Our family of three lives on a 4 acre residential farm surrounded my beautiful Niagara Escarpment. Our old house and the property is still a work in progress. It sat empty and the property was neglected for some time before we purchased. But we're getting there! Here, we raise ducks, chickens for meat and eggs, tend to a large garden and are hoping to establish an orchard and food forest in time.
My son is such a blessing to us - after nearly 7 years of infertility treatments, I didn't think I would ever have children. But I fought for him. When I looked into his eyes for the first time - that was that. I knew I wanted to make some lifestyle changes for us. That time was more precious than ever, now.
I wanted a slower way of living that helps remind us of what's important and teaches us how to listen. I want to spend all the time I have with that little boy, and soak him in. Raise him with the best knowledge and values that I can. I wanted to start living off this land. The way it is suppose to be.. the way it was. Is this homesteading? The world is changing, and nature helps to reminds us of what is truly important - tend to the garden, raise the food, nourish the body, love the family. There is so much work involved. But it's good work. Its rewarding work, and worth it. And it's something that I want to teach my son.
My soul is in it, and my heart is telling me that this is exactly where I need to be.
I am still learning, but I love to share what I know, while staying true and authentic about my success and failures. Follow along if you're passionate about the same things.